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Full Version: WILL making in Newbury
Newbury Today Forum > Categories > Newbury News
Is anyone aware of a low cost professional will writing service in Newbury? (I was quoted £375 + VAT this morning which seems very expensive for what I believe to be a simple estate). I am looking for a service where I can sit with someone and talk through what I want to happen. Has anyone used Goodwills Ltd who advertise in the NWN each week? Thanks
QUOTE (Carshot @ Aug 2 2019, 03:17 PM) *
Is anyone aware of a low cost professional will writing service in Newbury? (I was quoted £375 + VAT this morning which seems very expensive for what I believe to be a simple estate). I am looking for a service where I can sit with someone and talk through what I want to happen. Has anyone used Goodwills Ltd who advertise in the NWN each week? Thanks

My advice. See a Solicitor. Might be a but more expensive but it may save a lot of hassle later. Depends on your Financial circumstance but if you have enough assets to be thinking about a will then it's worth it. We used Horsey Lightly and they have been very good.
QUOTE (TallDarkAndHandsome @ Aug 2 2019, 04:01 PM) *
My advice. See a Solicitor. Might be a but more expensive but it may save a lot of hassle later. Depends on your Financial circumstance but if you have enough assets to be thinking about a will then it's worth it. We used Horsey Lightly and they have been very good.

I agree, though I used a Hungerford solicitor, it can cause an awful amount of hassle if handled incorrectly even if you think it looks straight forward, believe me lawyers charge a lot for a reason.
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