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Is there really any point in saving this planet when it is inhabited by cretins like this? angry.gif angry.gif angry.gif
QUOTE (SirWilliam @ Dec 26 2018, 09:48 AM) *

Is there really any point in saving this planet when it is inhabited by cretins like this? angry.gif angry.gif angry.gif

Winter is coming. Never a better time to leave the EU. We will be able to react quickly to global economic meltdown. The EU won't.
QUOTE (TallDarkAndHandsome @ Dec 26 2018, 07:13 PM) *
Winter is coming. Never a better time to leave the EU. We will be able to react quickly to global economic meltdown. The EU won't.

Be alert. Britain's gonna need 'em.
QUOTE (newres @ Dec 26 2018, 07:39 PM) *
Be alert. Britain's gonna need 'em.

Why? I have my house in Switzerland and a dual Swiss / UK passport if Brexit works great if not then no worries.
Andy Capp
All this cobblers: there are far too many people with vested interests in many outcomes to see either the EU or UK go down the pan.

We’re playing into Putin’s hands though.
QUOTE (TallDarkAndHandsome @ Dec 26 2018, 08:50 PM) *
Why? I have my house in Switzerland and a dual Swiss / UK passport if Brexit works great if not then no worries.

We won’t know for 50 years.
QUOTE (newres @ Dec 27 2018, 09:46 PM) *
We won’t know for 50 years.

I thought the sky was going to fall in on the 29th March? I bought some locust repellent a while back. Have I wasted my money?
QUOTE (TallDarkAndHandsome @ Dec 27 2018, 11:03 PM) *
I thought the sky was going to fall in on the 29th March? I bought some locust repellent a while back. Have I wasted my money?

We were also told by DD that Mrs Merkel would be on the blower the morning after the referendum to do a trade deal. That didn’t happen either.
je suis Charlie
QUOTE (newres @ Dec 28 2018, 03:46 AM) *
We were also told by DD that Mrs Merkel would be on the blower the morning after the referendum to do a trade deal. That didn’t happen either.

Think Mutti's a bit busy at the moment, what with all the immigrants and her getting kicked out. Lots in her diary already, like looking for a job. laugh.gif
QUOTE (je suis Charlie @ Dec 28 2018, 07:28 PM) *
Think Mutti's a bit busy at the moment, what with all the immigrants and her getting kicked out. Lots in her diary already, like looking for a job. laugh.gif

Just like our PM then.
QUOTE (newres @ Dec 28 2018, 07:57 PM) *
Just like our PM then.

Funny how all these migrants are still trying to cross the channel from France. Why?
QUOTE (TallDarkAndHandsome @ Dec 28 2018, 09:03 PM) *
Funny how all these migrants are still trying to cross the channel from France. Why?

Because they have family here? Because they have heard Britain is a safe country? Because they want our health care? Lots of reasons. But why can’t they just hop on a ferry if we’re in the EU?
je suis Charlie
QUOTE (newres @ Dec 28 2018, 09:28 PM) *
Because they have family here? Because they have heard Britain is a safe country? Because they want our health care? Lots of reasons. But why can’t they just hop on a ferry if we’re in the EU?

Or, words got round about the vulnerable young girls, free housing, free money and whole busloads of simpering damp palmed liberals ready to egg them on.
QUOTE (je suis Charlie @ Dec 28 2018, 10:21 PM) *
Or, words got round about the vulnerable young girls, free housing, free money and whole busloads of simpering damp palmed liberals ready to egg them on.

Don't understand it myself. Isn't the EU a paradise? Why leave a paradise for Brexageddon? Someone told me the other day they were a "brexugee".😂
Wouldn't it be more cost effective to ship them across the channel on a ferry; process their credentials and return those who don't meet the criteria on the next crossing?
On a subjective matter, what has all this to do with japanese whaling?
QUOTE (SirWilliam @ Dec 29 2018, 09:16 AM) *
Wouldn't it be more cost effective to ship them across the channel on a ferry; process their credentials and return those who don't meet the criteria on the next crossing?
On a subjective matter, what has all this to do with japanese whaling?

Had it escaped your notice that this site has been taken over by extreme right wingers? NWN ought to pull the plug in my opinion.
QUOTE (newres @ Dec 29 2018, 09:19 AM) *
Had it escaped your notice that this site has been taken over by extreme right wingers? NWN ought to pull the plug in my opinion.

Extreme right wingers? The comedy continues eh?
BTW, they are NOT migrants, they are illegal aliens attempting to buck the system, so should be treated as such.
QUOTE (x2lls @ Dec 29 2018, 09:41 AM) *
Extreme right wingers? The comedy continues eh?
BTW, they are NOT migrants, they are illegal aliens attempting to buck the system, so should be treated as such.

They are neither. They are refugees from a war caused by western governments. You’re just too indoctrinated by right wing media to see it.
QUOTE (newres @ Dec 29 2018, 11:37 AM) *
They are neither. They are refugees from a war caused by western governments. You’re just too indoctrinated by right wing media to see it.


So why do they end up in small boats trying to sneak in illegally?
QUOTE (newres @ Dec 29 2018, 11:37 AM) *
They are neither. They are refugees from a war caused by western governments. You’re just too indoctrinated by right wing media to see it.

I would prefer you said "ongoing conflict" caused by idealists from all sides than lay the blame squarely on the West. I agree it was folly to go into Iraq and Afghanistan, but if we hadn't they would still be killing each other and blowing up the odd european shopping centre just for the h**l of it. Two thousand years of aggression will not come to an end on the say of some US president nor will the Arab world be united and live in harmony. Most of the migrants are from North Africa where, to the best of my knowledge, we are not engaged in any form, so we either have an open door policy and allow unfettered access or say sorry we are full go elsewhere.
QUOTE (x2lls @ Dec 29 2018, 02:39 PM) *

So why do they end up in small boats trying to sneak in illegally?

Is there an internationally accepted mode of transport for refugees? What were the Vietnamese Boat People? More idiotic hate filled nonsense.
QUOTE (SirWilliam @ Dec 29 2018, 04:08 PM) *
I would prefer you said "ongoing conflict" caused by idealists from all sides than lay the blame squarely on the West. I agree it was folly to go into Iraq and Afghanistan, but if we hadn't they would still be killing each other and blowing up the odd european shopping centre just for the h**l of it. Two thousand years of aggression will not come to an end on the say of some US president nor will the Arab world be united and live in harmony. Most of the migrants are from North Africa where, to the best of my knowledge, we are not engaged in any form, so we either have an open door policy and allow unfettered access or say sorry we are full go elsewhere.

That’s full of holes.

The source really of the conflict is Israel and US support of Israel. It’s not a 2,000 year old conflict.

As for Arabs killing each other. So what? Let them do as they please. In fact arguably they were doing a pretty good job of keeping the lid on things until we invaded.

The reports I’ve seen suggest the boat people are Syrian, Afghanis and Iranians. Not North Africans.
je suis Charlie
QUOTE (newres @ Dec 29 2018, 05:06 PM) *
That’s full of holes.

The source really of the conflict is Israel and US support of Israel. It’s not a 2,000 year old conflict.

As for Arabs killing each other. So what? Let them do as they please. In fact arguably they were doing a pretty good job of keeping the lid on things until we invaded.

The reports I’ve seen suggest the boat people are Syrian, Afghanis and Iranians. Not North Africans.

What about all the Eritreans? Sudanese? Algerians? Libyans? Tunisians? Go to the channel ports, look at them, they're not Arabs, not by a long chalk! But, and here's the important bit, let's not let facts faze your limp wristed liberal take on things.
QUOTE (newres @ Dec 29 2018, 04:34 PM) *
Is there an internationally accepted mode of transport for refugees? What were the Vietnamese Boat People? More idiotic hate filled nonsense.

As the BBC has reported. They have been secretly filming the people traffickers in action, charging between £3000 and £4000 per person.

If you recall, Australia dealt with the influx all those decades ago.
QUOTE (newres @ Dec 29 2018, 04:34 PM) *
Is there an internationally accepted mode of transport for refugees? What were the Vietnamese Boat People? More idiotic hate filled nonsense.

OH, and the Vietnamese were genuine refugees from a communist regime. They didn't bring rape, killing and no-go zones either.
You ARE a communist aren't you?
QUOTE (x2lls @ Dec 29 2018, 06:18 PM) *
OH, and the Vietnamese were genuine refugees from a communist regime. They didn't bring rape, killing and no-go zones either.
You ARE a communist aren't you?

He just wants to feel good about himself, but expect someone else to house them. Newres should be combing Dover seeking out wealthy Iranian illegals to house in chez Newres🤣
QUOTE (x2lls @ Dec 29 2018, 06:18 PM) *
OH, and the Vietnamese were genuine refugees from a communist regime. They didn't bring rape, killing and no-go zones either.
You ARE a communist aren't you?

No go zones? Donald Trump tell you that?

Interestingly the US were involved in Vietnam too.

More right wing hate filled and thick nonsense.
QUOTE (TallDarkAndHandsome @ Dec 29 2018, 06:32 PM) *
He just wants to feel good about himself, but expect someone else to house them. Newres should be combing Dover seeking out wealthy Iranian illegals to house in chez Newres🤣

I expect us to take care of genuine refugees. I contribute through taxes.
je suis Charlie
QUOTE (newres @ Dec 29 2018, 07:16 PM) *
I expect us to take care of genuine refugees. I contribute through taxes.

Aww, bless. Newres, half loon, half liberal. How sweet.
QUOTE (newres @ Dec 29 2018, 07:16 PM) *
I expect us to take care of genuine refugees. I contribute through taxes.

Can you explain to me your definition of someone who is not a refugee? Enlighten me...
QUOTE (newres @ Dec 29 2018, 07:16 PM) *
I expect us to take care of genuine refugees. I contribute through taxes.

You need to listen to Lucy Moreton son.

“We’ve been warning government for weeks this is a problem which is escalating & it’s not going to go away. People smugglers are openly touting in Calais”

I say take the traffickers out by any means necessary.
QUOTE (x2lls @ Dec 30 2018, 12:34 AM) *
You need to listen to Lucy Moreton son.

“We’ve been warning government for weeks this is a problem which is escalating & it’s not going to go away. People smugglers are openly touting in Calais”

I say take the traffickers out by any means necessary.

They are scum. I agree.
QUOTE (TallDarkAndHandsome @ Dec 29 2018, 10:33 PM) *
Can you explain to me your definition of someone who is not a refugee? Enlighten me...

Someone who has not left home to escape war or political violence.
QUOTE (newres @ Dec 30 2018, 07:31 AM) *
Someone who has not left home to escape war or political violence.

So an economic migrant is a refugee to you. 🤔
QUOTE (TallDarkAndHandsome @ Dec 30 2018, 12:56 PM) *
So an economic migrant is a refugee to you. 🤔

No. Did you confuse yourself with the **** about face way you phrased the question?
QUOTE (SirWilliam @ Dec 29 2018, 04:08 PM) *
I would prefer you said "ongoing conflict" caused by idealists from all sides than lay the blame squarely on the West. I agree it was folly to go into Iraq and Afghanistan, but if we hadn't they would still be killing each other and blowing up the odd european shopping centre just for the h**l of it. Two thousand years of aggression will not come to an end on the say of some US president nor will the Arab world be united and live in harmony. Most of the migrants are from North Africa where, to the best of my knowledge, we are not engaged in any form, so we either have an open door policy and allow unfettered access or say sorry we are full go elsewhere.

Take your uranium, oil, diamonds, copper and anything else we want elsewhere.
QUOTE (Andy1 @ Dec 30 2018, 07:11 PM) *
Take your uranium, oil, diamonds, copper and anything else we want elsewhere.

The irony being that those who seek a life in europe do not see a penny of their homeland's natural assets. If it was shared around a little more evenly then this problem would not exist.
je suis Charlie
QUOTE (SirWilliam @ Dec 30 2018, 07:24 PM) *
The irony being that those who seek a life in europe do not see a penny of their homeland's natural assets. If it was shared around a little more evenly then this problem would not exist.

Yes, yes it would. because the other governments simply spend all the assets on bigger armies, more guns and gold plated Rolls Royces to run around in. Very little goes to the general population.
je suis Charlie
QUOTE (newres @ Dec 30 2018, 01:52 PM) *
No. Did you confuse yourself with the **** about face way you phrased the question?

What a potato. rolleyes.gif
QUOTE (je suis Charlie @ Dec 30 2018, 08:53 PM) *
What a potato. rolleyes.gif

Can't even be bothered to answer. He is being obtuse as he can't. It's what he does.
QUOTE (TallDarkAndHandsome @ Dec 30 2018, 09:44 PM) *
Can't answer. He is being obtuse as he can't. It's what he does.

Andy Capp
QUOTE (TallDarkAndHandsome @ Dec 30 2018, 09:44 PM) *
Can't even be bothered to answer. He is being obtuse as he can't. It's what he does.

He did answer it correctly:

QUOTE (TallDarkAndHandsome @ Dec 29 2018, 10:33 PM) *
Can you explain to me your definition of someone who is not a refugee? Enlighten me...

QUOTE (newres @ Dec 30 2018, 07:31 AM) *
Someone who has not left home to escape war or political violence.

A refugee is someone who seeks shelter after fleeing a war torn country.

Therefore, someone who is not a refugee is someone who has not fleed a war torn country.

Were you meant to have asked: give me an example of a migrant who is not a refugee?
QUOTE (Andy Capp @ Dec 31 2018, 12:01 PM) *
He did answer it correctly:

A refugee is someone who seeks shelter after fleeing a war torn country.

Therefore, someone who is not a refugee is someone who has not fleed a war torn country.

Were you meant to have asked: give me an example of a migrant who is not a refugee?

The issue is newres seems to THINK everyone is a refugee if they don't live in a prosperous country. I don't. Some of these Iranians are paying 20k just to cross. 5 adults at 4k a pop. They are not short of a few Bob and they are "fleeing" the 6th biggest economy in the world. France. Doesn't quite add up to a refugee in my view.
QUOTE (TallDarkAndHandsome @ Dec 31 2018, 03:09 PM) *
The issue is newres seems to THINK everyone is a refugee if they don't live in a prosperous country. I don't. Some of these Iranians are paying 20k just to cross. 5 adults at 4k a pop. They are not short of a few Bob and they are "fleeing" the 6th biggest economy in the world. France. Doesn't quite add up to a refugee in my view.

My answer totally contradicts this though. If you focussed on facts rather than what you believe you’d be less angry.

Wealthy people can be refugees by the way. Which double contradicts your point that they are after our welfare system. Think of the wealthy Jews fleeing Nazism.
QUOTE (newres @ Dec 31 2018, 04:29 PM) *
My answer totally contradicts this though. If you focussed on facts rather than what you believe you’d be less angry.

Wealthy people can be refugees by the way. Which double contradicts your point that they are after our welfare system. Think of the wealthy Jews fleeing Nazism.

Why is an opinion you disagree with "angry"? I guess all the Russian billionaires who have fallen out with Putin are also "refugees" then???
je suis Charlie
QUOTE (TallDarkAndHandsome @ Dec 31 2018, 04:36 PM) *
Why is an opinion you disagree with "angry"? I guess all the Russian billionaires who have fallen out with Putin are also "refugees" then???

He's an SJP (social justice potato).
QUOTE (TallDarkAndHandsome @ Dec 31 2018, 03:09 PM) *
The issue is newres seems to THINK everyone is a refugee if they don't live in a prosperous country. I don't. Some of these Iranians are paying 20k just to cross. 5 adults at 4k a pop. They are not short of a few Bob and they are "fleeing" the 6th biggest economy in the world. France. Doesn't quite add up to a refugee in my view.

So what is wrong with boarding an A350 from Tehran and landing at Heathrow? Certainly cheaper and less hassle, which poses the question, what is the truth behind the headlines? Note to self, must buy copy of Grauniad next time out. rolleyes.gif
How many families in this country could lay their hands on 20K let alone those who feel threatened in a middle eastern plutocracy? One for the historians to mull over next century.
QUOTE (TallDarkAndHandsome @ Dec 31 2018, 04:36 PM) *
Why is an opinion you disagree with "angry"? I guess all the Russian billionaires who have fallen out with Putin are also "refugees" then???

All gammons are angry. Goes with the territory. tongue.gif
QUOTE (SirWilliam @ Dec 31 2018, 07:03 PM) *
So what is wrong with boarding an A350 from Tehran and landing at Heathrow? Certainly cheaper and less hassle, which poses the question, what is the truth behind the headlines? Note to self, must buy copy of Grauniad next time out. rolleyes.gif
How many families in this country could lay their hands on 20K let alone those who feel threatened in a middle eastern plutocracy? One for the historians to mull over next century.

Quite. I don't buy the while migrant crisis thing just before the brexit vote and I also don't buy all these Iranians with 20k on the hip not being mugged by the Africans that have been in France for months if not years. Smacks of Soros / Our Government / EU / Far right money. Actually suits em all!! Well dodgy.
QUOTE (newres @ Dec 31 2018, 07:33 PM) *
All gammons are angry. Goes with the territory. tongue.gif

That's rubbish. It's a bit like saying all liberals are gay. Just stereotypical nonsense. And you.know it.
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